We receive many questions in Clonmel Orthodontics about coloured braces . Coloured braces are very popular which our younger patients. The main difference between coloured braces and other braces is the means used to tie the wire into the bracket. With coloured braces a coloured elastic loop is used to tie the wire into the bracket.

Brackets without archwire in place.

Brackets with arch wire in place, green elastomeric loop is to be attached.

Green elastic loop is used to fix archwire into the bracket.

Green elastomeric loop to fix archwire into bracket.

Upper and lower archwires with green elastics in place.

A combination of different coloured elastic loops in place.

Numerous colours are available .
Sometimes patients need to wear chain ( chain is when the elastic loops are all linked together) on their braces to slide the teeth together along the wire .

Pink chain in place on the upper teeth to slide the teeth together.

Elastomeric chain is available in numerous colours.
Some people even choose to use coloured elastics on clear braces often just for a change of look!

Clear braces with coloured elastics!
The strength of the combination of coloured elastics with braces is that you will get the best finished result which will in general be significantly superior to that achieved with aligner systems, while many younger patients really enjoy wearing coloured elastics.
Once the brackets have been placed brushing is very important but we deliberately try not to make it too complicated as this can often prove to be counter productive. We will explain a simple but effective technique of brushing, and it is important that where possible the teeth are brushed after every meal and last thing at night. We will explain the use of orthodontic wax.
If necessary “over the counter” analgesics can be taken for any discomfort.
It takes a few days to adapt to the braces. After a short period of time patients will start to see that their teeth are straightening up, this will provide great encouragement and reassure the patient that their journey to your new smile is underway!
We provide orthodontic treatment in a caring atmosphere and will be available to provide support and encouragement to you throughout your treatment.
This blog was written by Dr John Buckley Clonmel’s most qualified and most experienced orthodontist. We use cutting edge technology in Clonmel Orthodontics to provide excellent orthodontic treatment at affordable prices. Our surgeries are airy spacious and private , like you might expect if you visit a general medical practitioner.