Orthodontic Consultation

Make an Appointment

If you wish to make an appointment for a consultation please contact our office. The orthodontic consultation will take approximately one hour. This is the most important hour that you will spend at the orthodontist, you will benefit from Dr Buckley’s experience and training.
During the orthodontic consultation it is normally necessary to take digital x-rays and photographs and to perform a thorough examination, and to draw up a detailed treatment plan if it is indicated. (we can do a scan on our iTero scanner if you wish, but it is not of great diagnostic value, and it is important that you understand the limitations of its treatment predictions, which are really more of a marketing tool.)

The purpose of the consultation is to identify abnormalities of your teeth, or bite, or jaws, and to advise you of any problems that may arise because of these. You will also be told what treatment would be required to correct these abnormalities, and what the cost of the treatment would be.


Orthodontic Treatment

If you would benefit from orthodontic treatment a detailed description of the treatment including the type of appliances to be used, the length of the treatment, the number of visits involved and the cost will be outlined to you.

If the patient does not require orthodontic treatment they will be discharged.

If they are too early for treatment they will be given a review appointment for a later date . There is no charge for the review appointments. I welcome the fact that patients often wish to take time to consider matters after their initial consultation.


A fixed fee of €90 is payable on the day that you attend for your consultation. This includes the cost of x-rays , photographs and an intra-oral scan as maybe required. This fee of €90 will be deducted from your final fee if you decide to proceed with treatment.

When considering the cost of an orthodontic consultation ,it is important to be worldly wise. A free consultation certainly does not mean that you will ultimately pay less for your total orthodontic treatment, when the cost of the actual treatment is added on to the free consultation the total fee is often significantly more than in a practice where you pay for a consultation. In reality this is because if you proceed with orthodontic treatment where you received a free consultation, you are in essence subsidising all the patients who availed of a free consultation. In Clonmel Orthodontics you just pay for your own consultation , and this is reflected in the quote for total cost of your treatment.