What about free consultations?2020-11-12T10:25:32+00:00

A fixed fee of €80 is payable on the day that you attend for your consultation. This includes the cost of x-rays , photographs and an intra-oral scan as maybe required. This fee of €80 will be deducted from your final fee if you decide to proceed with treatment.

When considering the cost of an orthodontic consultation, it is important to be worldly wise. A free consultation certainly does not mean that you will ultimately pay less for your TOTAL orthodontic fee, in fact it is commonly quite the opposite, the TOTAL fee in a practice where you are enticed with a free consultation is often more than in a practice, where you pay for a consultation. In reality this is because if you procced with orthodontic where you received a free consultation, you are in essence subsidising all of the patients who availed of a free consultation. In Clonmel orthodontics you just pay for your own consultation and this is reflected in the quote for the TOTAL cost of your orthodontic treatment. Please follow this link to get more information on what to expect at your orthodontic consultation.

What is orthodontics?2020-09-23T13:18:27+01:00

Orthodontics is a specialist branch of dentistry, aimed at producing ideal tooth alignment ,improvement in the bite (occlusion) and attractive positioning of the teeth, lips and jaws within the face to produce improved facial appearance and a beautiful smile.

What is an orthodontist?2020-09-17T19:59:11+01:00

An orthodontist is a dentist who has undergone further postgraduate specialist training and has met the requirements of the Dental council of Ireland to be registered as an orthodontist .

The full list of registered orthodontists in Ireland is available from the Dental Council of Ireland (the regulatory body for dentists in Ireland) on their specialist register at Click Here

57 Merrion Square
Dublin 2, Dublin
t: 01 6762069
01 6762076
[email protected]
Does the term “Practice Limited to Orthodontics” or “Orthodontic Practice” or “Orthodontic Centre” mean that the dentist who works there is necessarily an orthodontist ?2020-09-17T20:00:08+01:00

Definitely not , this simply means that the dentist no longer does general dental procedures like extractions or fillings or dentures etc it certainly does not mean that they are an orthodontist , or indeed that they have any recognised postgraduate training of any sort in orthodontics . This simply means that they have chosen to no longer perform procedures like extractions , fillings, dentures etc.

The full list of registered orthodontists in Ireland is available from the Dental Council of Ireland (the regulatory body for dentists in Ireland)
on their specialist register at Click Here

57 Merrion Square
Dublin 2, Dublin
t: 01 6762069
01 6762076
[email protected]
Does the fact that a dentist chooses to list their name in the “Orthodontist” section of the Golden Pages (Truvo) , mean that the dentist is necessarily an orthodontist ?2020-09-17T20:00:47+01:00

Definitely not , this simply means that the dentist pays an additional fee to the Golden pages to list their name in the “orthodontist” section. The Golden pages do not check to see if the dentist is an orthodontist.

The full list of registered orthodontists in Ireland is available from the Dental Council of Ireland (the regulatory body for dentists in Ireland) on their specialist register at Click Here

57 Merrion Square
Dublin 2, Dublin
t: 01 6762069
01 6762076
[email protected]
At what age should a child first see an orthodontist?2020-09-17T13:14:54+01:00

Dr Buckley recommends that children should be seen between 8 and 10 years, which is before they lose their last baby back teeth and before their growth spurt begins. At this age all treatment options are still possible . Unfortunately when children are seen at a later stage it may already be too late to modify jaw growth favourably, or to create more room for the teeth as they erupt through the gums into the mouth. You maybe interested to read our blog on this topic. Click Here

Am I too old for orthodontic treatment ?2020-09-23T13:19:45+01:00

An increasing number of adults are now having orthodontic treatment. Here in Clonmel orthodontics approximately 30% of our patients are adults . If the teeth and gums and supporting bone are healthy orthodontics can be performed at any age.

How long will the treatment take?2020-09-23T13:21:23+01:00

In general it takes 12 to 24 months to correct most orthodontic problems . Some simple problems can be corrected in a much shorter time in a few weeks or months. Though more complex problems may even take a little longer than this.

Does orthodontics hurt?2020-09-17T13:16:46+01:00

Braces are stuck onto your teeth in much the same way that a sticky stamp is stuck onto an envelope and so the fitting of the braces is pain free.

Please see link Click Here.

After the braces have been fitted the teeth will be tender for the first 2-5 days . You can take a mild painkiller similar to what you would take for a headache if you wish.

Occasionally people can develop small mouth ulcers for a few days while the mouth adapts to the braces . Wax will be provided for you to help with this problem should it arise .

Please follow this link Click Here

Should I continue to see my general dentist for check ups and treatment when I am having orthodontic treatment?2020-09-17T13:17:19+01:00

Yes it is important that you should continue to see your general dentist on a regular basis before, during and after orthodontic treatment. Your general dentist uses different equipment to detect early tooth decay and gum disease , and with the use of these will detect these problems earlier than the orthodontist can. Your general dentist will advise you how often you should attend for routine checkups . If you are prone to gum disease or tooth decay you may be advised to attend more frequently than other patients.

Will my teeth and gums be damaged as a result of orthodontic treatment ?2020-09-17T13:17:48+01:00

It is very important to maintain good oral hygiene during orthodontic treatment to ensure that your teeth and gums remain healthy . To prevent decalcification of the teeth it is important to brush the teeth regularly , and to limit the number of times in the day that one eats or drinks sugar containing food or drink . Resorption (shortening ) of the roots can also occur to some extent , though this is rarely of clinical significance . It is important to attend your general dentist before during and after orthodontic treatment to maintain the health of your teeth and gums.

Will my speech be affected by wearing a brace?2020-09-23T13:23:13+01:00

When the metal or ceramic brace is fitted on the outside of the teeth this does not affect one’s speech. Lingual braces when first fitted on the upper teeth can affect speech for a short period.

Is it possible to have braces with bright colours ?2020-09-17T13:18:54+01:00

Yes these are a popular choice with younger patients , the colour can be changed at every appointment. Please see orthodontic appliances section.

What about clear ceramic tooth coloured braces ?2020-09-17T13:19:26+01:00

It is possible to have ceramic/clear braces rather than the more familiar metal / steel braces . The ceramic braces are less obvious than metal braces but they are still fitted on the outside of the teeth. Please see orthodontic appliances section.

What is lingual orthodontics ?2020-09-23T13:24:50+01:00
What about Invisalign, Clear Step, Simpli5 , originator clear and other aligner systems?2020-09-23T13:43:14+01:00

These systems all consist of a series of clear plastic aligners worn over the teeth. They are almost invisible . Each aligner is worn for 2-3 weeks before moving onto the next aligner . These systems are not suitable for every orthodontic problem . It can be established at you initial consultation if invisalign will achieve a satisfactory improvement in your smile. In many cases where people are looking for an “improvement” in their smile, and are not prepared to wear braces invisalign is recommended. The important point is that the patients expectations for what invisalign can achieve in their case is realistic. In some cases invisalign will achieve as good a result as fixed appliances, and its use may have certain orthodontic advantages.

In other cases invisalign is not suitable, or if used will achieve a sub-optimal result.

It is also important that patients understand that attachments are almost invariably required with invisalign. With braces the bracket is the handle on the tooth and the wire moves the tooth, with invisalign attachments are the handle on the tooth and the plastic (aligner) moves the tooth. Recent research would suggest that the accuracy of invisalign has improved from 41% to 50%, this is attributable to amongst other things to the increased use of attachments on the teeth. The important point is that patients appreciate the central role that attachments play in getting invisalign to work. If attachments of the correct size and quantity are not used when indicated, the quality of the finished result will suffer.

What about six month smiles / six month orthodontics?2020-09-17T13:21:42+01:00

Six months orthodontics is merely a marketing slogan, there is absolutely nothing new or magical about this. The brackets and wires used are the exact same as those which have been used for years in orthodontics. The only difference is that the practitioner discontinues the treatment after “six months or so! ”

It simply is not possible to achieve the most beautiful smile for the vast majority of patients in six months.

The practitioners who offer “ six months orthodontics” have generally attended a course for a few days only . The courses are sometimes taught by practitioners with no recognised, postgraduate qualifications in orthodontics .

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will see every problem as a nail.” Abraham Maslow

What about a gum shield ?2020-09-17T13:22:49+01:00

Dentists recommend that everybody who plays contact sports should wear a gum shield . If you are wearing braces a gum shield can be purchased in your local sports shop and adjusted by you to fit around your brace . If you are wearing any removable orthodontic appliances these should be removed by you for the duration while participating in contact sports, swimming or horse riding.

When can my treatment start?2020-09-17T13:23:47+01:00

Please book for a consultation if you wish to discuss your orthodontic treatment .

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